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IJSEA Archive (Special Issue - NCRTAM )

International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)  (Special Issue - NCRTAM )

Synthesis &Structural Study on Graphene Nano Particles

L. Kashinath, R. Senthil Kumar, Y.Hayakawa , G. Ravi


Keywords: Graphene Oxide, Graphene, Raman, FTIR and SEM.

Abstract References BibText

        Graphene is one atom thick planar sheet of carbon atoms densely packed in a honey comb structure is the first stable two-dimensional crystal lattice in nature, has grabbed appreciable attention due to its exceptional electronic, mechanical, electrical, optical, thermal and opt-electronic properties. Advancement of research in graphene, in the area of synthesis, properties and applications due to its wide range of applications in gas sensor, touch screen, magnetic, catalyst and electronic devices. In this present paper, we report on the synthesis of, Graphene Oxide, Graphene by a simple hydrothermal chemical co-precipitation (modified Hummers) method. Graphene oxide was effectively prepared by above process possesses different types of oxygen functionalities which allows GO to interact with organic and inorganic materials in covalent, non covalent or ionic manner. The GO was reduced by hydrazine hydrate as reducing agents to obtain graphene as end product. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, FT-IR, UV, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were reported.

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title = "Synthesis &Structural Study on Graphene Nano Particles ",
journal = "International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
volume = "NCRTAM",
number = "1",
pages = "08 - 12",
year = "2013",
author = "L. Kashinath, R. Senthil Kumar, Y.Hayakawa , G. Ravi ",