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IJSEA Archive (Volume 3, Issue 2)

International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)  (Volume 3, Issue 6 Nov-Dec 2014)

A New Group Signature Scheme with Efficient Membership Revocation

Thu Thu Mon Oo



Keywords: Cryptograph, Digital Signature, Group Digital Signature, Anonymity, Revocation

Abstract References BibText

        In group signature schemes, the members of the group are allowed to sign messages anonymously on the behalf of the group. In this case, other group members and the outsiders from the group cannot see which member signed the messages. The organizational structure which should support the safety of privacy may need to provide a degree of anonymity to the individuals conducting the transactions. Moreover, the current methods of revocation property of the group signature scheme do not revoke to allow valid signature under an old secret key of the group manager. And it is remaining as a challenge to be independent on the size of the group public key when the group size is increasing. For this above facts, this paper will be proposed to achieve anonymous revocation based on the concept of group signature more effectively.

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title = " A New Group Signature Scheme with Efficient Membership Revocation ",
journal = "International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
volume = "3",
number = "6",
pages = "167 - 171 ",
year = "2014",
author = " Thu Thu Mon Oo ",