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IJSEA Archive (Volume 4, Issue 5)

International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)  (Volume 4, Issue 5 September-October 2015)

Improving Technological Services and Its Effect on the Police’s Performance

Nazanin Mansouri



Keywords: technology improvement, knowledge management system, technology acceptance, police performance, and ministry performance.

Abstract References BibText

        The role of police department in any country is critical. It is obvious that improving the technology in police department can be done with safety and contributes to improve its economy. This paper, first tries to recognize the existed weaknesses in used technologies. Then, it will suggest the best approach. The proposed framework of this study points out to two different moderating roles that can be considered as technical contributions. Moreover, the combination of this proposed framework is new for current study. This framework is concentrated on technology improvement, knowledge management system, technology acceptance, police performance, and ministry performance.

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title = " Improving Technological Services and Its Effect on the Police’s Performance ",
journal = "International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
volume = "4",
number = "5",
pages = "278-281 ",
year = "2015",
author = " Nazanin Mansouri ",