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IJSEA Archive (Volume 5, Issue 2)

International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)  (Volume 5, Issue 2 March-April 2016)

Android Based Japanese Handwriting Application

Yulia,Justinus Andjarwirawan,Malvin Yuwono Kurniawan


Keywords: Android, hiragana, japanese, katakana, learning application.

Abstract References BibText

        Japanese language writing system is divided into 2 forms, namely Hiragana and Katakana. Both are characters that each have their own usefulness as a basic word. Due to the basic character, the Japanese language is very similar to other languages in general that has the alphabet as a base word. The most effective way for a person's ability to memorize is to use a media of learning interesting and interactive. Among the form of technology-based learning media are quite friendly with the people at home and outside the home, for example, smartphones are already widely used by all levels of society, both in cities and villages. Therefore, interactive learning applications based on Android is most needed.

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title = " Android Based Japanese Handwriting Application ",
journal = "International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
volume = "5",
number = "2",
pages = "107 - 111",
year = "2016",
author = " Yulia,Justinus Andjarwirawan,Malvin Yuwono Kurniawan ",