IJSEA Volume 13 Issue 7

Physical Education Reform in Colleges and Universities Under the Guidance of Ideological and Moral Education

Bai Bing, Zhao Yunpeng
keywords : Physical Education; Reform; Colleges and Universities; Ideological Education; Moral Education

The reform of physical education in Chinese colleges and universities is crucially guided by ideological and moral education. Traditionally focused on athletic ability, the current training model neglects holistic development. This paper argues for the integration of scientific, cultural, and humanistic education into physical education to cultivate athletes' personal and social skills. By diversifying educational goals, physical education can promote not only physical fitness, but also intellectual and moral growth. This approach aims to prepare athletes to excel not only in sport, but also as responsible members of society.
Title = "Physical Education Reform in Colleges and Universities Under the Guidance of Ideological and Moral Education",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "13",
Issue ="7",
Pages ="15 - 17",
Year = "2024",
Authors ="Bai Bing, Zhao Yunpeng"}