IJSEA Volume 2 Issue 1

Development and testing of natural draught desert cooler

Ashok Kumar Sharma, Pawan Bishnoi
keywords : Desert cooler, natural draught, cellulose cooler pads, air retainers.

To save the environment it is primarily required to save electricity. Since, generation of electricity add pollutants to the environment. The developed desert cooler which is described in this paper uses naturally blowing air to provide the cooling effect. It allows air to enter inside the cooler from four sides while allows outgoing of air only through a passage in bottom. Thus naturally blown air is circulated inside the room through desert cooler, which requires no electricity to blow the air as in conventional desert coolers. The paper describes the methods of designing and manufacturing of this desert cooler. A test setup is presented which was prepared to test the effectiveness of this developed cooler. The methodology of testing and test data are also presented. The results show that this device is effective in providing cooling without using electricity for blowing the air.
Title = "Development and testing of natural draught desert cooler",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "2",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="19 - 22",
Year = "2013",
Authors ="Ashok Kumar Sharma, Pawan Bishnoi"}