IJSEA Volume 3 Issue 4

Mineralization in Granitic intrusive Of Kanigiri area in Andhra Pradesh: A root cause for Fluoride Dominance in Ground Water – A Case Study

M.R.S.Sampath Kumar, G. Swathi,
keywords : fluoride enrichment, ground water, kanigiri, granite

The Kanigiri-Podili tract of Nellore and Prakasam districts of Andhra Pradesh were known for abnormal fluoride content and interesting mineralogy. Kanigiri town in Topo-Sheet No.57M/11 of Survey of India is surrounded by granitic intrusive. Alkaline magmatism was widespread in the granulite terrain of southern peninsular India during the proterozoic. The forty seven alkaline to mildly alkaline plutons and carbonatite complexes of varying dimensions and shapes cover a total area of approximately 450sq.Km and define an alkaline belt along the east coast of India. The rocks of the area are holocrystalline-hypidiomorphic texture and composed mainly of orthoclase, microcline, albite, and zircon as chief accessory minerals fluorite, topaz, apatite are the other accessosories as served in the rock. The present work focuses on the origin of fluoride in waters around Kanigiri area. In general the dissociation of granitic rocks exposed to prolonged sun and runoff results apatites in to water. This in turn enriches the Fluoride content. But here the mechanism is different. Endemic fluorosis is prevalent amongst the habitants of the high fluorine content in ground water. Streaks and Lenses of fluorite are common feathers in these granites. The earlier workers attributed the origin to the replacement of the existing rocks by ?granitic juice? having a high volatile content. Small patches of Sodalite-Cancrinite-Fluorite-Nepheline bearing syenites hosted within the fluorite bearing grey granite near Podili. Detailed water sampling around Kanigiri and Podili has been made. They are analyzed to their complete major-ion analysis.
Title = "Mineralization in Granitic intrusive Of Kanigiri area in Andhra Pradesh: A root cause for Fluoride Dominance in Ground Water – A Case Study",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "3",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="98 - 100",
Year = "2014",
Authors ="M.R.S.Sampath Kumar, G. Swathi, "}