IJSEA Volume 6 Issue 3

Implementing product focused Process improvement through The Post Iteration and Process Improvement Workshop

Tatek Engdashet, Dida Midekso, Ricardo J. Machado,
keywords : Post iteration and process improvement, SPI, software process, agile methods.

SPI plays a significant role in improving software development performance in a software developing companies. Developing SPI approaches which are contextually easier to integrate with different development environments has been an issue for the research in the area. The SPI framework developed define, the detailed implementation procedures of SPI activities in line with the product development process through the post iteration and process improvement workshop (PIPIW) process steps and SPI tracking model. The framework consists of integrated capability improvement process flow which is developed through the integration of CMMI continuous representation and process components of institutionalization. The developed process steps developed in the PIPIW is evaluated in a case study sited in a software development setting to examine its applicability for SPI implementation at small development settings. Results of the case study prevailed that, the framework is implementable in line with the development activities. In addition the advantages implementing the framework proven to organize and continually improve the practices used for the development activity. The case study in general prevailed practical evaluation of the framework to demonstrate how it address the perceived requirements.
Title = "Implementing product focused Process improvement through The Post Iteration and Process Improvement Workshop",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "6",
Issue ="3",
Pages ="115 - 122",
Year = "2017",
Authors ="Tatek Engdashet, Dida Midekso, Ricardo J. Machado, "}