IJSEA Volume 7 Issue 5

Employment Recommendation System: A Review

Roshan G. Belsare, Dr. V. M. Deshmukh,
keywords : recommendation system, collaborative filtering, content based filtering, matching

Enormous amounts of jobs are posted on the job websites on daily basis and large numbers of new resumes are also added to job websites daily. In such scenario it?s a very tough job to suggest matching jobs to the job applicants. A recommendation system can solve this problem to the great extent. A recommendation system has already been proved to be very effective in the area of Online shopping websites and Movie recommendation. Given a user, the goal of an employment recommendation system is to predict those job positions that are likely to be relevant to the user. An Employment recommendation system would suggest matching jobs to the users using matching, collaborative filtering and content based recommendation based on ranking.
Title = "Employment Recommendation System: A Review",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "7",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="64 - 67",
Year = "2018",
Authors ="Roshan G. Belsare, Dr. V. M. Deshmukh, "}