IJSEA Volume 7 Issue 9

Wiener Filter based Medical Image De-noising

Dr. Sana'a khudayer Jadwa
keywords : Wiener filter; Image de-noising; Image processing; Medical Imaging; Noise.

Medical images such as , CT (Computed Tomography) scan imaging and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are considered as a collection of information that is used for visual diagnostics .Most of the medical images are affected by different types of noises during acquisition, storage and transmission, so the information associated with an image tends to loss or damage that can affect the quality of disease diagnosis or treatment. Image de-noising is the process to remove the noise from the image naturally corrupted by the noise. In this paper an effective noise reduction approach based on using Wiener filter is proposed to enhance the image qualities of various medical imaging modalities.
Title = "Wiener Filter based Medical Image De-noising",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "7",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="318 - 323",
Year = "2018",
Authors ="Dr. Sana'a khudayer Jadwa"}