IJSEA Volume 1 Issue 1

Factors Affecting Forging Process in Steel 1018

Godwin Barnabas, Prabhakaran.R, Satheeshkumaran T, Janarthanan.S
keywords : parameters, forging, process, productivity, effect

Forging is the working of metal into a useful shape by hammering or pressing. This is a oldest of the metal working art (primitive blacksmith).Replacement of machinery occurred during early the Industrial revolution. Most forging operations are carried out hot, although certain metals may be cold-forged. In this paper we are going to see the process parameters that affect forging. And also the solution for improving the process to increase the productivity.
Title = "Factors Affecting Forging Process in Steel 1018",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "1",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="22 - 26",
Year = "2012",
Authors ="Godwin Barnabas, Prabhakaran.R, Satheeshkumaran T, Janarthanan.S"}