IJSEA Volume 10 Issue 5

Why Should we Use Inclined Tables in Engineering Drawing Works?

Abdelaty E. Abdelgawad, Ahmed T. Soliman, Mohamed Z. Ramadan
keywords : Biomechanics, Furniture, Human Factors, Engineering

One of the primary purposes of studying human Factors is to relieve work stresses imposed on the workers during their jobs. The current study consisted of two stages. The first phase aimed to develop a microcomputer biomechanically based to analyze clerk body postures. The second phase was to test that developed model on studying table tapes (i.g., adjustable inclined versus table vs. fixed horizontal table) during drawing engineering designs. The results showed the capability of the proposed model for analyzing the clerks’ jobs. In addition, the inclined furniture was superior in reducing the stresses associated with doing jobs using furniture compared with fixed horizontal tables. Finally, it would be better to use a simple tool such as the developed one to analyze complicated tasks that force workers to take awkward postures and sustained that posture for an extended period.
Title = "Why Should we Use Inclined Tables in Engineering Drawing Works?",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "10",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="90 - 95",
Year = "2021",
Authors ="Abdelaty E. Abdelgawad, Ahmed T. Soliman, Mohamed Z. Ramadan"}