IJSEA Volume 11 Issue 10

Application of Doppler Radar in Short-Term Near-Term Weather Forecast

Zhao Keqi
keywords : Weather forecast; short-term near-term; Doppler radar; data analysis; systematic analysis

Application of Doppler radar in short-term near-term weather forecast is the focus of this paper. Short-term now weather forecast can effectively improve the ability of meteorological disaster forecast and early warning. Conditional provinces or counties and cities can realize real-time update of the meteorological information and real-time insertion of sudden and severe weather warning information through public media. The application of modern meteorological methods provides the possibility for the production and timely broadcasting of the short-term and the near-term weather forecasting. This paper gives the combination of the Doppler radar to enhance the general model.
Title = "Application of Doppler Radar in Short-Term Near-Term Weather Forecast",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="10",
Pages ="145 - 147",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Zhao Keqi"}