IJSEA Volume 11 Issue 11

Exploring the Ways of Constructing Organizational Cultural Atmosphere in Colleges and Universities

Wei Jin, Chen Bojing
keywords : Colleges and universities; cultural atmosphere; organizational model; ways of constructing

Exploring the ways of constructing organizational cultural atmosphere in colleges and universities is the main focus of this study. A university is a social organization whose mission is to inherit and innovate human civilization. Everything that happens in this organizational system is influenced by its culture, and ideological and political education is no exception. Management theory argues that the success or failure of organizational behavior is often attributed to organizational culture. Organizational culture is a general term for group consciousness such as values, ways of thinking, work styles, and codes of conduct that are commonly accepted by members of the organization. By cultivating and shaping this culture, the organization influences the working attitude of members and guides the achievement of the organization's goals. Hence, this paper gives the novel ideas of nehancing the organizational cultural atmosphere in colleges and universities. The proposed ideas will be tested in the future study.
Title = "Exploring the Ways of Constructing Organizational Cultural Atmosphere in Colleges and Universities",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="206 - 208",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Wei Jin, Chen Bojing"}