IJSEA Volume 11 Issue 11

Study on the Impact of Red Culture on the Ideological and Political Education of College Students

Maolin Li
keywords : College students; ideological and political education; red culture; impact study; systematic study

Study on the impact of red culture on the ideological and political education of college students is the core of this paper. Activities are the main form of moral education. Only by carrying out regular revolutionary traditional educational activities can the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary ancestors be internalized into the quality of students. The revolutionary traditional educational activities have formed the characteristics of the serialization in content, stratification in goals, and normalization in time. The characteristics of our school's revolutionary traditional education are not only reflected in the school's school-running ideology, but also implemented in the school's development plan. The school regards the general revolutionary traditional education as the main content of the school's moral education work and campus culture construction. Study on the impact of red culture on the ideological and political education of college students is then discussed with the detailed theories.
Title = "Study on the Impact of Red Culture on the Ideological and Political Education of College Students",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="235 - 237",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Maolin Li"}