IJSEA Volume 11 Issue 12

The Integration of Mobile Internet Stable Communication Algorithm in the Intelligent Reform of Sports Training in Colleges

Yu Tai
keywords : Mobile Internet, Stable Communication, Intelligent Reform, Sports Training

In this paper, how to apply the mobile Internet stable communication algorithm more reasonably in college sports training to better serve the improvement of college sports teaching is the research direction. Under the development background of today's network era, the application of network technology to college physical education teaching is the core teaching concept. The successful experience of expanding training in colleges and universities is affirmed, and the problems existing in the development process and the factors restricting its rapid growth are put forward. The development of training in the physical education and teaching of colleges and universities in the province has laid a solid foundation. It can be promoted in physical education classes, and different fitness programs can be formulated according to the physical function state of students, so as to improve the quality of teaching and play an important role in promoting teaching reform.
Title = "The Integration of Mobile Internet Stable Communication Algorithm in the Intelligent Reform of Sports Training in Colleges",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="272 - 274",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Yu Tai"}