IJSEA Volume 11 Issue 12

Dynamic Research on the Construction Mechanism of Sports Characteristic Towns Considering the National Fitness Concepts

Jinbang Zhu, Yanhui Wang, Peilin Han
keywords : National fitness concepts; dynamic research; construction mechanism; sports characteristic towns

Dynamic research on the construction mechanism of sports characteristic towns considering the national fitness concepts is studied in the paper. The experience of different cultures is an important factor affecting tourism involvement, and the capital logic of the tourism economy also implies people's transcendence of daily life. The characteristics of traditional sports towns are extremely prominent, and there are relatively few human factors. The relevant departments pay more attention to the promotion of towns, supporting construction and the improvement of local facilities. Then, this paper gives the novel suggestions for the task.
Title = "Dynamic Research on the Construction Mechanism of Sports Characteristic Towns Considering the National Fitness Concepts",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="312 - 313",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Jinbang Zhu, Yanhui Wang, Peilin Han"}