IJSEA Volume 11 Issue 12

Research on Innovation of Financial Management Informationization of Enterprises and Institutions Considering Big Data Methods

Yang Xuxin
keywords : Big data methods; enterprises and institutions ; innovation; financial management informationization

Research on innovation of financial management informationization of enterprises and institutions considering big data methods is studied in the paper. In the era of digital economy, the overall transformation of the financial management of enterprises and institutions is an inevitable trend. Regardless of active transformation or forced transformation, the construction of "financial transparency management" must be completed after all. The main contents of the scientific financial management of enterprises and institutions include: combining the actual financial operation of the core unit, the systematic top-level design of the basic financial management system, the development of a sound and efficient, scientific and perfect financial management system. This paper gives the clear discussions and also the related applications to validate the proposed ideas.
Title = "Research on Innovation of Financial Management Informationization of Enterprises and Institutions Considering Big Data Methods",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="365 - 366",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Yang Xuxin"}