IJSEA Volume 11 Issue 8

A Review of Mineralization of Rare Earth Elements in Iran

Ali Akbar Aali, Aref Shirazi, Adel Shirazy, Shayan Khakmardan, Hamed Nazerian
keywords : REE, Mining Engineering, Geochemical Exploration, LREE, HREE

Due to the increasing progress of modern technology, the increasing use of rare earth elements, the strategic nature of these elements, and the national need for these elements, the study and exploration of these elements are of great importance. Therefore, to achieve this goal, rare earth elements in different deposits in Iran were studied. Iran's highest concentration of rare earth elements is in phosphate and iron-apatite deposits and coal ash, respectively. It can also be noted that these elements are concentrated in bauxite and copper deposits along with alterations, laterites, and placers, requiring more detailed studies. According to these studies, the distribution of these elements in different deposits was determined. Also, the high dependence of these elements on different deposits such as phosphates was determined. Therefore, due to the growing need of the country for these elements, as well as self-sufficiency in this sector and even the export of these elements, emphasis is placed on further studies in the sectors that are considered promising and become waste dams. We are going to use it to explore new resources.
Title = "A Review of Mineralization of Rare Earth Elements in Iran",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="92 - 99",
Year = "2022",
Authors =" Ali Akbar Aali, Aref Shirazi, Adel Shirazy, Shayan Khakmardan, Hamed Nazerian"}