IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 1

Discussion on Unorganized Waste Gas Emission and Prevention Measures in Fine Chemical Production

JI Xiyan
keywords : Waste gas emission; prevention measures; fine chemical production

This paper mainly discusses the safety management measures of fine chemical production enterprises from the perspective of the importance of safety management in fine chemical production enterprises, and describes them from different angles. At the same time, it expounds the safety technology countermeasures of fine chemical production enterprises, analyzes some safety technologies in the production process, and strengthens the feasibility and necessity of prevention and control of unorganized waste gas in combination with practical cases. In the future, the supervision of enterprises' unorganized emission of waste gas and the research and application of new waste gas treatment technologies in the chemical industry park will be strengthened, and the regional ambient air quality and people's satisfaction with the environment will be significantly improved.
Title = "Discussion on Unorganized Waste Gas Emission and Prevention Measures in Fine Chemical Production",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="70 - 72",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="JI Xiyan"}