IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 1

Intelligent Editing System for Behind-The-Scenes Documentaries Based on CG Image Optimization Algorithm

Zheng Yu
keywords : Intelligent Editing System, Behind-The-Scenes Documentaries, CG Image Optimization Algorithm

On the basis of studying the network planning technology and the characteristics of CG project production, the relevant calculation methods of the network diagram are discussed, and the network diagram of the system is established according to the implementation of the current task. The type characteristics of behind-the-scenes documentaries are three aspects: fixed subject matter, unified mode, poor narrative, strong sense of participation, theme attachment, and mutual contrast, and summarizes the function of commercial marketing and publicity to satisfy the audience's peeping psychology. In this paper, content-based image retrieval the technology is applied to the resource search module of CGProject, and an image retrieval system ImgSearch is designed and implemented. The system has made some optimizations in image retrieval performance. Experiments show that the system has good practicability in CGProject.
Title = "Intelligent Editing System for Behind-The-Scenes Documentaries Based on CG Image Optimization Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="100 - 102",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Zheng Yu"}