IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 10

Research on the Cultivation Model of Applied Art and Design Talents Based on the Integration of Industry and Education

Chen Shu, Chen Ximu
keywords : Cultivation Model, Applied Art, Design Talents, Industry and Education

The integration of industry and education is the driving force and goal of the development of vocational colleges, the key to solving the structural contradiction of talent demand, and the objective requirement to improve the quality of talent cultivation. At present, there are still problems in the talent cultivation of art and design majors, such as low matching between talent supply and enterprise demand, insufficient close cooperation between schools and enterprises, and a single form of integration between industry and education. Exploring the construction of an applied art and design talent cultivation model, specific measures include establishing a composite teaching team, deepening the construction of professional connotation, highlighting the combination of "Taoism and technology" and "three equal emphasis" in talent cultivation, and achieving "four changes" in teaching reform and curriculum system construction.
Title = "Research on the Cultivation Model of Applied Art and Design Talents Based on the Integration of Industry and Education",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="10",
Pages ="86 - 88",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Chen Shu, Chen Ximu"}