IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 11

Data Fusion Analysis of Computer Culture Basic Course under the Background of Information Mining

Jingxin Cao
keywords : Data Fusion, Computer Culture, Basic Course, Basic Course

This paper analyzes the problems and causes of the teaching of basic computer courses in colleges and universities under the background of information technology. From the dimensions of teaching concepts, teaching resources, teaching methods and models, and teaching methods, combined with the current mainstream information technology methods, it proposes feasible information technology and courses. The teaching integration plan discusses the reform ideas of computer basic teaching in ethnic colleges and universities, and puts forward on this basis. The path of national curriculum project-based reconstruction", and expounded its goals, specific processes and methods, and provided a new way of thinking for the implementation of the deep integration of information technology and curriculum in primary and secondary schools.
Title = "Data Fusion Analysis of Computer Culture Basic Course under the Background of Information Mining",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="22 - 25",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Jingxin Cao"}