IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 12

Exploring the Impact of Interactive Multimedia Elements on the Effectiveness of Online Teaching in Higher Education: A Quality Evaluation Perspective

Xu Peisen, James L. Patnao Jr.
keywords : Online Teaching; Higher Education; Interactive Multimedia; Quality Evaluation; Pedagogical Impact

This research delves into the dynamic realm of online teaching in higher education, specifically focusing on the influence of interactive multimedia elements on its overall effectiveness. As the digital landscape of education continues to evolve, understanding the impact of multimedia components, including videos, simulations, and virtual activities, becomes imperative for enhancing the quality of online learning experiences. The study employs a comprehensive mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative metrics of student performance and satisfaction with qualitative analyses of instructional strategies. Through systematic evaluation, the research aims to pinpoint the most efficacious multimedia elements contributing to a high-quality online teaching environment. By investigating the correlation between the incorporation of interactive elements and student outcomes, the study seeks to identify pedagogical practices that optimize engagement, comprehension, and retention in virtual classrooms. The findings are anticipated to yield practical recommendations for instructors and institutions seeking to enhance the quality of their online teaching methodologies. This research holds the potential to inform the design and implementation of online courses, thereby fostering an enriching and effective educational experience in the higher education landscape.
Title = "Exploring the Impact of Interactive Multimedia Elements on the Effectiveness of Online Teaching in Higher Education: A Quality Evaluation Perspective",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="8 - 11",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Xu Peisen, James L. Patnao Jr."}