IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 12

Design and Algorithm Implementation of Visualization Platform to Promote Enterprise Listing Based on E-commerce Big Data Analysis Based on Quantum PageRank Algorithm

Xiaoping Zhu, Yi Xiao*
keywords : Algorithm Implementation, Visualization Platform, Enterprise Listing?E-commerce Big Data

With the advent of the era of big data, in order to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, it is first necessary to solve the problem in the field of e-commerce big data, promote the design and algorithm of visualization platform, study the design of data visualization analysis system based on the field of e-commerce big data, and analyze the main modules of the system. , background query module and page data request design, help enterprises through data visualization analysis system, PageRank algorithm and its application in technology impact evaluation system, innovatively consider patent timeliness, and improve enterprises based on patent citation relationship Citing the network's technology impact assessment method.
Title = "Design and Algorithm Implementation of Visualization Platform to Promote Enterprise Listing Based on E-commerce Big Data Analysis Based on Quantum PageRank Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="12 - 14",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Xiaoping Zhu, Yi Xiao*"}