IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 2

Analysis of the Information System Integration of University Fusion Culture Communication Based on Network Video Automatic Generation Technology

Xiaoxia Fu
keywords : Information System Integration, Fusion Culture Communication, Network Vide, Automatic Generation Technology

Web services are self-describing and self-contained application modules, which have the advantages of platform independence and programming language independence. Service-oriented architecture is to use the above characteristics of Web services. Its innovation lies in solving the difficulty of manual production of network teaching resources, which is time-consuming, troublesome, long-term, and high-level requirements for teachers. Using this solution, any teacher can record the entire teaching situation and automatically generate two network teaching resources while teaching, which is easy to accumulate into a teaching resource library. The teaching process can be broadcast live on the Internet in real time (including video, audio, computer pictures, etc.). Based on the classic CNN-LSTM structure, the model adds a subject-verb-object classifier to the output of the LSTM network. Subject-verb-object information is the skeleton information of a sentence.
Title = "Analysis of the Information System Integration of University Fusion Culture Communication Based on Network Video Automatic Generation Technology",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="4 - 6",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Xiaoxia Fu"}