IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 2

Online System Construction of Music General Education in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on Internet-Assisted Spectrum Signal Transmission

Xi Xiangyang
keywords : Online System Construction, Music General Education, Higher Vocational Colleges, Spectrum Signal Transmission

In this paper, a synchronizing method, which is fully realized by software, is proposed in the transmission of digital signal transcoding, and a detailed theoretical description of music is presented, and the steps and methods of it to achieve synchronization are proposed. This article attempts to study the relationship between general music education and campus culture construction, and finds that general music education is the way to realize campus culture construction, and campus culture construction makes general music education more comprehensive. It suppresses the characteristic components of the interference spectrum in the process of signal transmission, extract the statistical characteristics of musical instruments, and use the joint parameter estimation method to estimate the scale and time delay of home control signals. The cultivation of music literacy, the development of music education resources, and the improvement of music teachers, etc., propose the application of teaching subject information technology Combination strategy with informatization of music education practice process.
Title = "Online System Construction of Music General Education in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on Internet-Assisted Spectrum Signal Transmission",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="19 - 21",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Xi Xiangyang"}