IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 2

Research and Practice on the Training of Accounting Talents Based on Information Technology and Internet

Liang Liang
keywords : Accounting Talents ; Information Technology; Technology and Internet; Research and Practice

At present, education reform is in the stage of deepening development, and the development of education informatization is the key factor to support education reform. In the process of the development of information technology and the profound reform of accounting education, college teachers must actively respond to these challenges and make a difference in the educational reform. Based on this, the practice of financial accounting teaching reform and talent cultivation based on information technology and the Internet in the financial accounting specialty is carried out, and the reform approach of financial accounting teaching mode integrating information technology and the Internet is mainly discussed. Under the influence of "Internet plus", the financial accounting specialty must clarify the goal of talent cultivation, combine the advantages of the Internet, provide rich resources for teachers and students, and achieve interaction and exchange between teachers and students.
Title = "Research and Practice on the Training of Accounting Talents Based on Information Technology and Internet",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="62 - 63",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Liang Liang"}