IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 2

English-Chinese Corpus Collection and Artificial Intelligence Translation Based on Dynamic Clustering Model

Lijuan Zhou
keywords : English-Chinese Corpus, Artificial Intelligence Translation, Dynamic, Clustering Model

This paper studies the English-Chinese corpus collection system and artificial intelligence translation function based on the dynamic clustering model. This paper attempts to introduce the semantic analysis of English-Chinese parallel corpora into the semantic recognition system. By labeling different levels of the corpus, including grammatical labeling, shallow semantic labeling and deep semantic labeling, the corresponding English-Chinese translation teaching system is designed, and the teaching system is improved by using the comparatively systematic teaching effects in actual teaching. On the basis of self-built Chinese-English parallel corpus, this paper extracts the Chinese high-frequency verb "to improve" to discover and summarize its English translation rules in different texts.
Title = "English-Chinese Corpus Collection and Artificial Intelligence Translation Based on Dynamic Clustering Model",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="80 - 82",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Lijuan Zhou"}