IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 3

Research on the Positive Impact of Information Technology on Student Education in Higher Vocational Colleges in the Era of Big Data

Qiao Liang, Qiong Lin, Lei CUI
keywords : positive impact; student education; higher vocational colleges; big data

Under the background of big data, scientific application of big data technology can effectively improve the informatization construction level of education and teaching management in higher vocational colleges. This paper takes the informatization of higher vocational education and teaching management as the research object, analyzes the advantages of applying big data technology to higher vocational education and teaching management, and proposes specific ways to accelerate the improvement of the informatization level of higher vocational education and teaching management. Give full play to the guarantee role of education management and cultivate students' professional quality. Therefore, through the value analysis of educational management reform in higher vocational colleges, the article clarifies the new requirements of educational management reform in higher vocational colleges, and discusses the new strategies of educational management reform in higher vocational colleges.
Title = "Research on the Positive Impact of Information Technology on Student Education in Higher Vocational Colleges in the Era of Big Data",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="3",
Pages ="5 - 7",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Qiao Liang, Qiong Lin, Lei CUI"}