IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 3

Research on Efficient Work Innovation Effect Evaluation Based on Real-Time Online Public Opinion Data Classification and Detection Algorithm

Yu-liang WANG
keywords : Efficient Work, Innovation Effect Evaluation, Real-Time Online?Public Opinion Data Classification

Various heterogeneous network resources are collected through web crawlers, and after preprocessing such as data cleaning, they are written into the data center. And implement data mining technologies such as classification, clustering, association rules and anomaly detection. If an enterprise wants to maintain a good development ability and maintain a correct development trend, it must pay attention to and do a good job in ideological and political work, and take ideological and political work as the guiding light of its own operation and development. Improved the stability and accuracy of clustering results. The news topics are clustered to form topics, and the topic tracking technology is used to track specific news topics to achieve personalized services.
Title = "Research on Efficient Work Innovation Effect Evaluation Based on Real-Time Online Public Opinion Data Classification and Detection Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="3",
Pages ="163 - 165",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Yu-liang WANG"}