IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

Development of Smart Sports in Colleges Based on Intelligent IoT Equipment with Digital Reform System

YOU Honglin, BAO Zhuo
keywords : Smart Sports, Intelligent IoT Equipment, Digital Reform System

The management of digital teaching system and the control of digital teaching quality are discussed in detail in the construction of software and hardware in the practice of digital reform of medical imaging and the key problems to be solved Based on the material conditions and human conditions of colleges and universities, a variety of practice paths will promote college sports to adapt to the changes of the times, and then promote the scientific fitness of the public. some advices. We work hard to address these issues and mobilize the forces of all parties. Take various measures. Actively strive to promote the scientific and humanized development of college physical education curriculum construction from the aspects of value orientation, functional system, status improvement, structural system, evaluation system, teaching qualifications, target system and teaching mode.
Title = "Development of Smart Sports in Colleges Based on Intelligent IoT Equipment with Digital Reform System",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="24 - 26",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="YOU Honglin, BAO Zhuo"}