IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

A Collection and Retrieval of Intelligent Teaching Data for Higher Vocational Finance and Economics Major Based on External Data Interface Optimization

Jianjun Zou
keywords : Intelligent Teaching Data, Higher Vocational Finance, Economics Major, External Data Interface Optimization

Firstly, it analyzes the requirements of the high-speed data transmission system, and then gives the design scheme of the bridge chip based on PCI EXPRESSS, including the logic design block diagram, interface description and bus timing. Higher vocational finance and economics majors mainly train high-skilled professionals in front-line management and service, and their professional characteristics of management and service put forward unique requirements for students' operational skills, professional ability and comprehensive quality. Aiming at the current teaching status of this course and some problems in the teaching process, under the guidance of the virtual learning situation teaching method, the corresponding solutions are put forward through the task-based teaching of the course knowledge points. Different from full-text crawling, distributed directional crawler requires fast crawling of deep and precise structured data from the Internet.
Title = "A Collection and Retrieval of Intelligent Teaching Data for Higher Vocational Finance and Economics Major Based on External Data Interface Optimization",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="27 - 29",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Jianjun Zou"}