IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

Research on Improving the Service Management Consciousness of Library Information Work Based on Network Environment

Hairong Li
keywords : Service Management Consciousness; Library Information Work ; Network Environment

Under the background of the new era, "Internet plus" is the deep practical result of Internet thinking, which has effectively promoted the development and innovation of library information work. This article analyzes the changes in the service characteristics of library information work and the special significance of information services in the new era, probes into the promotion and application strategies of service awareness of information work, and proposes that libraries should use Internet technology to innovate the service mode of library information work in the network era, which virtually highlights the importance of enhancing the service awareness of library information work. This article starts with the importance of studying the importance of enhancing the service management awareness of library information work, elaborates on innovative service content and methods, and proposes effective application strategies based on actual situations, providing strong theoretical support for researchers.
Title = "Research on Improving the Service Management Consciousness of Library Information Work Based on Network Environment",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="33 - 35",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Hairong Li "}