IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

Exploration on The Trinity Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology Course

Han Zhenhua, Hong Doudou
keywords : Electromagnetic Fields, Microwave Technology Course, Trinity Comprehensive, Exploring Evaluation Modes

With the deepening of education reform, the traditional teaching evaluation model in colleges and universities is no longer suitable for the development of the current era. For the majors of electronic science and technology and communication engineering, electromagnetic field and microwave technology are the two most important courses, and they are also important teaching contents to ensure the work effect of students after graduation, which is of great significance to the future development of students. In traditional teaching, the evaluation method of courses mainly adopts summative evaluation. The three-in-one comprehensive evaluation model combines formative evaluation and summative evaluation, and integrates the three evaluation elements of learning ability, practical ability, and comprehensive ability. Diversified evaluation model.
Title = "Exploration on The Trinity Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology Course",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="39 - 41",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Han Zhenhua, Hong Doudou"}