IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

Design of Embedded Knowledge Service Interactive System in University Library Based on MOOC Data Stream Retrieval

Hairong Li
keywords : Embedded Knowledge Service, Interactive System? University Library, MOOC Data Stream Retrieval

In view of this, the idea of applying knowledge graph to MOOC platform resource retrieval is proposed, and a knowledge graph oriented to MOOC data is constructed through entity recognition, relationship analysis, course knowledge point discovery and other methods, and applied to data stream retrieval on embedded devices The system architecture; improved the storage and retrieval efficiency during clustering; designed a clustering algorithm that can capture the temporal characteristics of the skewed distribution of data in a real-time or asynchronous manner. From the fields of scientific research, teaching and social science, a more comprehensive and analyzed the knowledge transfer service from the service process. Finally, it puts forward the embedded knowledge transfer service strategy of university library for the collaborative innovation of industry, university and research.
Title = "Design of Embedded Knowledge Service Interactive System in University Library Based on MOOC Data Stream Retrieval",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="42 - 44",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Hairong Li"}