IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

A Brief Analysis of the Innovative Model of Red Tourism Poverty Alleviation under the Background of Rural Revitalization

Wenxia Tang
keywords : Rural Revitalization; Brief Analysis; Innovative Model; Red Tourism; Poverty Alleviation

A brief analysis of the innovative model of red tourism poverty alleviation under the background of rural revitalization is conducted in this paper. The rural revitalization strategy in the new era is the inheritance and development of the Marxist rural development theory and the traditional Chinese thought of emphasizing agriculture. Therefore, the practice patterns and trends of rural revitalization should be differentiated and diversified, seek truth from facts, adapt measures to local conditions, and adapt measures to village conditions to speed up the revitalization of farmers' income, stable employment, and creation of a better life in other places. Hence, this paper considers the novel Red Tourism for the combination of the Rural Revitalization.
Title = "A Brief Analysis of the Innovative Model of Red Tourism Poverty Alleviation under the Background of Rural Revitalization",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="48 - 50",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Wenxia Tang"}