IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

Data-Oriented Intelligent Judgment Platform for Red Tourism Industry in Northeast Guangdong Based on Tourism Big Data Clustering Algorithm

Wenxia Tang
keywords : Data-Oriented Intelligent Judgment, Red Tourism Industry, Northeast Guangdong, Tourism Big Data Clustering Algorithm

Defining big data in the context of tourism forecasting, summarizes the changes it brings to tourism business decision-making. The experimental part deals with the tourism metadata shared by the website, and applies a suitable clustering algorithm to generate the density pattern of the most frequently visited places by tourists. At the same time, it proposes a method to obtain local core categories through the discovery of maximal cliques, and proposes a parallelization of the maximal clique discovery algorithm. strategy, and then propose a parallel strategy for the entire algorithm and experiment on real datasets. Realize the intelligence, intelligence, and semantics of the video surveillance network, so that the police can be freed from the labor of watching video surveillance. Through the extraction and correlation of data feature attributes, the collision can obtain "object laws", so as to make efficient and accurate decisions.
Title = "Data-Oriented Intelligent Judgment Platform for Red Tourism Industry in Northeast Guangdong Based on Tourism Big Data Clustering Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="51 - 53",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Wenxia Tang"}