IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 4

Violin Music Timeliness and Aesthetics Evaluation System Based on Melody Signal Cyclic Fluctuation Matching Algorithm

Xiaoling Wang
keywords : Violin Music Timeliness, Aesthetics Evaluation, Melody Signal, Cyclic Fluctuation Matching Algorithm

On the basis of the original spectrum allocation scheme based on the cyclostationary characteristics of the signal, a new spectrum allocation scheme is proposed. And take three kinds of digital signals widely used in real life as an example. From the perspective of modern art, this paper discusses and analyzes the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese violin music, taking the concerto "Liang Zhu" as an example. It is proposed that "unfinished" stimulates "re-creation", symbolic meaning evokes emotional resonance, contextual expression stimulates artistic conception association, and abstract lines lead to essential thinking. Starting with the demonstration strategy of violin performance and the innovation strategy of violin performance, it expounds the strategies of cultivating students' musical aesthetic awareness in violin performance.
Title = "Violin Music Timeliness and Aesthetics Evaluation System Based on Melody Signal Cyclic Fluctuation Matching Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="71 - 73",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Xiaoling Wang "}