IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 5

A Comprehensive Survey on Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Analytics

Sanika Singh, Saurabh Mukherjee
keywords : : Image Analytics, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Image Segmentation, Automatic disease Detection

A country's economy depends heavily on agriculture, and there are many varieties of crops that can be cultivated by farmers. The issue or problems arise when the farmers are unaware of a plant disease that is affecting their crops at the appropriate moment, thus harvests become afflicted. Most of the time farmers are not aware about the disease and its type when it is discovered.Given these challenges, research in the field of automatic leaf disease detection in agriculture is of significant importance, since it could offer benefits in the detection of bigger fields of crops and help to detect diseases since they appear on plants leaf. The examination to various pattern present above the plant leaves is necessary for study of plant disease.
Title = "A Comprehensive Survey on Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Analytics",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="1 - 6",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Sanika Singh, Saurabh Mukherjee "}