IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 5

Development of Edge Feature Terminal of Intelligent Interactive System Based on Psychological Interactive Computer Test System

Tian Yuan
keywords : Edge Feature Terminal, Intelligent Interactive System, Psychological Interactive, Computer Test System

By studying the existing evaluation methods of human-computer interface usability, combined with some characteristics of the current human-computer interface, and based on the design principles of design psychology, the improvement of usability evaluation methods is proposed. Guided by these usability evaluation methods, then determine the interactive content and form, and design the interactive interface features to improve user experience; discuss the gesture recognition technology based on action fragments, face recognition technology and data based on WPF technology in the system implementation Resource integration and integrate holographic projection display technology into the display system. A real-time recommendation method of terminal security policy based on machine learning is proposed. The trained security policy selection model is deployed on the edge side to select and recommend terminal security policies in real time.
Title = "Development of Edge Feature Terminal of Intelligent Interactive System Based on Psychological Interactive Computer Test System",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="32 - 34",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Tian Yuan"}