IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 5

A Case Study of Test Automation in Agile Software Development

Dr. Dilshan De Silva, M. P. Gunathilake, Sooriyabandara H.M.T.S, Chandrarathna M.G.D.P.M.B, Bandara S.M.D.S, Thilakarathna S.A.Y.R
keywords : Agile software development; Test automation; Web-based testing; Selenium and JMeter; Case study

Agile software development has revolutionized the industry by allowing developers to produce high-quality software in shorter timeframes. However, testing continues to be an important part of software development to ensure that the product fulfills its necessary quality requirements. Manual testing can be time-consuming and error-prone, resulting in software delivery delays. Test automation, on the other hand, may significantly reduce testing time while enhancing the accuracy and consistency of results. The paper examines the relationship between agile software development and testing, with a specific focus on web-based testing. It covers the issues of web testing in an agile environment and examines how test automation can assist to overcome these challenges. Furthermore, it compares manual testing with test automation and analyses the benefits and drawbacks of each approach, provides an overview of popular test automation tools, such as Selenium and JMeter, and explains why they are the best options for automated testing, and the paper highlights the benefits of web testing, including as increased software quality, reduced costs, and improved user satisfaction.
Title = "A Case Study of Test Automation in Agile Software Development",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="41 - 49",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Dr. Dilshan De Silva, M. P. Gunathilake, Sooriyabandara H.M.T.S, Chandrarathna M.G.D.P.M.B, Bandara S.M.D.S, Thilakarathna S.A.Y.R"}