IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 5

Wisdom Data Analysis Framework of Dose-Effect Correlation Between Acupoint Application in the Treatment of Asthma in Children Based on AdaBoost

Yan Zi, Hou Yongchun, Wuzhong Qi
keywords : Acupoint Application, Asthma, AdaBoost, Wisdom Data

Based on AdaBoost, this paper studies the wisdom data analysis framework of the dose-effect correlation of acupoint application for the treatment of children with asthma. Sps Modeler 18 software is used to calculate the frequency of acupoints and drugs in acupoint application, analyze the association rules of acupoints and drugs, and analyze the network diagrams of acupoints and drug application. In the use of acupuncture points, Feishu, Tanzhong, Gaolu, Tiantu, and Dingchuan have the highest frequency. The treatment efficiency (92.16%) and nursing satisfaction (94.12%) The core idea of the Interactive Multi-Model Algorithm (IMM) is to complete the adaptive recognition association between experimental targets through Bayesian theory.
Title = "Wisdom Data Analysis Framework of Dose-Effect Correlation Between Acupoint Application in the Treatment of Asthma in Children Based on AdaBoost",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="50 - 52",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Yan Zi, Hou Yongchun, Wuzhong Qi"}