IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 5

Interactive Design of Three-Dimensional Training Cloud Platform for Visual Communication Design of New Media Data Optimization-Oriented Application-Oriented Undergraduate Colleges

Yu Huang
keywords : Three-Dimensional Training Cloud Platform, Visual Communication Design, New Media Data Optimization, Optimization-Oriented Application-Oriented Undergraduate

New media data optimization oriented reform and innovation is the general trend of the development of the visual communication design profession. Through the discussion of the innovation of practical course content and the non-unit teaching mode, three types of practical projects, such as basic practice, comprehensive design practice, and research and exploration practice, are expounded. innovation. Based on the analysis and research of the "student achievement-oriented" course evaluation of the computer-aided design Photoshop course in applied undergraduate colleges, the corresponding educational methods are obtained. Improve the ability of private undergraduate colleges to cultivate applied, skilled and entrepreneurial talents, so as to realize the sustainable development of private undergraduate colleges.
Title = "Interactive Design of Three-Dimensional Training Cloud Platform for Visual Communication Design of New Media Data Optimization-Oriented Application-Oriented Undergraduate Colleges",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="75 - 77",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Yu Huang"}