IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 5

Teaching Reform and Exploration of Digital Art Design Based on Local Cultural Expression

Li Lin
keywords : Teaching Reform, Digital Art Design, Local Cultural Expression

Local culture is the spiritual carrier of local social life customs, customs, and historical relics. Its rich historical heritage and rich cultural patterns have become magnificent treasures in the cultural treasure house of our country. The design transformation of digital art, so that local culture can be better promoted and disseminated, is an important topic of local cultural modernity expression. This paper mainly focuses on three aspects: creative expression of local culture, formal expression, and multidisciplinary integration. It has become a new requirement of modern education to cultivate students' digital application ability and art design theory, and to master the application of numbers in art. Students should have a further understanding of the new concept of digital art, improve the skills and application of digital art in many fields, promote the reform of the three-dimensional composition teaching of digital art design, and cultivate students with a wide range of knowledge and relatively skilled skills in this major. Strong high-end technical personnel.
Title = "Teaching Reform and Exploration of Digital Art Design Based on Local Cultural Expression",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="114 - 116",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Li Lin"}