IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 5

Digital Art Design Thinking Mining Information Platform Based on Digital Twin Technology

Li Lin
keywords : Digital Art Design, Thinking Mining Information, Digital Twin Technology

A five-dimensional model framework of water resources digital twin is designed, and how to realize the mutual mapping of physical and virtual entities, the operation of the data service platform, and the interconnection of digital twins are expounded. Through the realization of the whole production process of intelligent storage, intelligent processing, intelligent detection and intelligent assembly of seals, the mapping of all elements of people, things and things in physical and virtual space is achieved. The platform can achieve quantification. It has not been trained and solved in the early basic courses, and has not played the role of ladder and progression, so that it is limited in the learning of professional courses. Analyze the reasons for the disconnection between basic courses and professional courses, and then according to the characteristics of digital media art majors, start from the mission of the basic courses of digital media art majors.
Title = "Digital Art Design Thinking Mining Information Platform Based on Digital Twin Technology",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="123 - 125",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Li Lin"}