IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 6

Analysis of the Integration of Red Thoughts in Labor Education

Yizhe Zhang
keywords : Red Thoughts, Labor Education

At present, with the steady advancement of the new curriculum reform education concept, the labor education advocated in it is even more crucial to the development of students. Through labor education, students' physical fitness and spiritual will can be cultivated, which is one of the keyways to improve students' comprehensive ability and quality. In the labor education, the comprehensive ability and quality of students can be better cultivated. Therefore, under the discussion of new educational ideas, integrating the red spirit into the labor education of higher vocational students has been recognized by many educators and related educational institutions. Considering the characteristics and interoperability of labor education and red culture education, it is targeted Integrating red cultural resources into the education model of multi-category labor education for college students can not only "live" red culture, but also give spiritual nourishment and guidance to labor education, thereby promoting the overall growth and development of college students.
Title = "Analysis of the Integration of Red Thoughts in Labor Education",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="6",
Pages ="70 - 72",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Yizhe Zhang"}