IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 7

Leading Dance Teaching in the New Era with Aesthetic Education

Lin You
keywords : Leading dance, new era, aesthetic education

With the development of the times, aesthetic education enriches people's spiritual life from the perspective of educating people and aesthetics, and comprehensively improves people's comprehensive quality. Aesthetic education in the new era mainly regards schools as the main front of education and combines artistic means to carry out aesthetic education. This article analyzes the application value and development status of dance aesthetic education under the background of aesthetic education connotation and national aesthetic education policy. Therefore, exploring the path of aesthetic education penetration in dance teaching in colleges and universities is of great significance to the cultivation of students' character and personality. This paper analyzes the role of aesthetic education penetration in dance teaching and thinks about the basic path of aesthetic education penetration in dance teaching.
Title = "Leading Dance Teaching in the New Era with Aesthetic Education",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="7",
Pages ="95 - 97",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Lin You"}