IJSEA Volume 12 Issue 7

Design of Sports Decision Model Based on Data Mining and Neural Network

Wang HanWei, Wang Hong, Zhang Biao
keywords : Sports Decision Model, Data Mining, Neural Network, Big Data

In our country, the physical training of college students is mainly based on classroom learning and supplemented by amateur exercise. It is basically in a disordered state. There are many unreasonable factors that cannot meet the needs of college students to improve their physical fitness. My country's traditional sports industry of college students' sports a new way of dissemination of sports information has emerged because of sports-related data deep mining, and the sports evaluation decision-making support system is optimized. Based on data modeling and factor analysis of sports, summing up 8 winning factors, this paper studies the design of sports decision-making model.
Title = "Design of Sports Decision Model Based on Data Mining and Neural Network",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="7",
Pages ="123 - 125",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Wang HanWei, Wang Hong, Zhang Biao"}