Domain adaptation algorithms for source and target remote sensing images from the same region are studied. Remote sensing images in the same area are often less different and have strong correlations. This paper analyzes the ideas of getting rich in leisure agriculture and rural tourism under the development of the rural revitalization strategy, and proposes ways to revitalize the countryside and boost the economy, such as accelerating agricultural vocational education and changing the thinking of rural population management. A distance-based local support vector machine algorithm (DLSVM) is proposed. The algorithm compares the distance between the unlabeled sample and the hyperplane with a preset distance threshold. The ultimate goal of implementing the rural revitalization strategy is to continuously improve the participation and benefit of rural residents in industrial development, and completely solve rural problems. Industry and peasant employment issues.
Title = "Change Detection Trend Prediction of Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (IJSEA)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="7",
Pages ="152 - 154",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Baohua Li"}